Saturday, March 07, 2009

Tour w/ husband&wife: Part 1

So, I got into Bloomington Thursday night around 7 and went straight to Mike's house where him and Frank were working on Frank's new record. They are almost done with his record and it sounds SO good. They just have to finish the vocals and a few odds and ends and it'll be good to go. You need to keep an eye out for it. For real. He has some tunes up here.

After grabbing some Taco Bell with the fellas, we headed back to Mike's where Tim, Will, and Bryant all came over for husband&wife practice. We started around 10:30 and after Bryant showed me some of his choice licks (that sounds a little sordid...haha), we got going and I learned the bass to 8 of the husband&wife songs. I was able to learn "Support Yourself", "I Got Fat", "Haven't Got A Friend", "England Lives", "Comp Jam", "You Remain Unloved", "Don't Change" and one more that I can't seem to remember! I was really excited that I was able to pick up on the songs so fast and practice went fairly well. We decided that a morning practice was in order so we pulled the plug around 1:30am and decided to meet back up at 11.

After a solid morning practice, the dudes all headed off to work and I wrote some emails and what-not and then met up with Frant to see Watchmen. I have to say that I have been a fan of the book for quite a long time thanks to Keith and have been so excited that it was finally given the treatment. I was really nervous that it would suck, especially when I found out that the ending was changed...That being said, I loved it! Every negative thing that people have been saying to me (i.e. blue phallics, graphic violence, etc) are from people who haven't read the book so I'm not taking any stock in it because I thought it was really well done. I was impressed. I can't wait to own it on BetaMax.

After the movie I came back to Mike's and ate some amazing pasta that Jessica had made. It had mushrooms and spinach and other delicious stuff all crammed into it and covered in cheese. It was SO good. I ate 3 little plates full (this was a decision I later regretted). Anyway, we packed up the van and drove to a house party in Indianapolis with 4 other bands, but I was excited to see Bronze Float and Everybody. Those 2 bands did not disappoint and the house was packed with about 50 kids all rockin PBR tall-boys. My good buddy Davy ended up coming and we got to hang for awhile which was really fantastic. Tara, if you're reading this, thanks for letting him come hang. There are a few people in this life that make me joyful whenever I see them. Davy and Tara are absolutely 2 of those people. I was kind of bummed Tara couldn't come...

Anyway, after the show and 3 tall-boys we headed back to the house of a dude named Andy that the guys knew. It was pretty late when we got back (2am?) and we went to bed and then when we woke up Andy made us this delicious green pepper, onion, tomato and cheese baked omellette pizza. Just marinate on that for a second...................yep. It was that good. Now, it looks like we're going to go play disc golf in the hood. Andy said they found a dead body there a little while back. Will is going to use a frisbee by choice. He's going to get his ass kicked.

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