Saturday, October 11, 2008

Special Report: Halloween!

I never got to enjoy Halloween too much as a kid. As a rule, my siblings and I were not really allowed to go out trick-or-treating and I never got to dress up in fun costumes. Mostly it was, I now believe, an economic decision (which I respect), but it left in me the ultimate desire to have grandiose costumes to use, not just for Halloween but, all the time. My closest friends are privy to this information already, but out of the law of big numbers, I thought I would share this with everyone. I am desperate to find a good adult giraffe costume like these bad boys, but for less than $900 (which is the going price for a typical one). If you're mom is great at making costumes or you happen to have raided an old Toys-R-Us and stole the Geoffrey outfit, then let me know!!!! I want one SOOO bad.

Also, I would like to play music in it like Daniel:

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