Thursday, September 04, 2008

The 5 Spot: Taco Bell

I'm the kind of guy who likes to make a run for the border every now and again. Some of you may scoff, some may silently condone, some may even celebrate my brash disregard for nutrition, but in the words of the immortal strongman " I yam what I yam."

Here's the 5 best menu items at Taco Bell:

#5 The 7-Layer Burrito- This delicious burrito is packed to the gills with 7 DIFFERENT THINGS!! Usually, you end up with a mouthful of guacamole, but sometimes, it's downright divine.

#4 The Beef Baja Chalupa- This was always kind of a sleeper hit for me, one of those things that kind of snuck up on me. I used to get this every now and again, and then I realized just how awesome that sauce goes with the meat-ish stuff they put in there. Perfecto!

#3 The Double Decker Taco: Supreme!: Can't decide between hard or soft? You don't have to! This beastly combo has not just one tortilla, but 1+1. That's like twice as much as one. It's a crunchy taco with refried beans smeared around the outside acting as a paste to hold on the soft tortilla that clings so refreshingly. If that doesn't sound amazing to you, then go eat your rice cakes and drink your Perrier! Plus, get it with sour cream!!

#2 CBRBNF (Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito with no Fiesta Salsa)- This was an instant classic the first moment it crossed the threshold of my discerning mouth. The fiesta salsa is a buzzkill so skip that stuff, but you should probably order 2 or maybe even 3 because this is what you've been waiting for all day....pure, unadulterated heartburn.

and the best thing on the Taco Bell Menu is............................................

#1 Mountain Dew

Now before we end here, I just want to mention that there is an item that no longer is on the menu that trumps every piece of food that has been slung through a Taco Bell Drive-Thru window. That glorious masterpiece was called the Frito Burrito. Not only did the words sound awesome together, it was the perfect mix of crunch and spicy and oozy delicious. Why do the good ones always have to die young!?


Unknown said...

I disagree with a few things.

#1) Given the vast quantities of Mountain Dew available, partnered with it being cheaper by the unit at many other places; how can this be the #1 menu item?

#2) No consideration was given to the newly added Cheesy Double Beef Burrito? Delicious, meat added, and only .89 of a dollar. Give it some consideration if you have not already.

Scott Kirkpatrick said...

I have had the Cheesy Double Beef Burrito many times. It has been considered and it does not make the top 5. That is my final answer.

As for the really is a testament to how delicious it is with Taco Bell food. At no other time, will The Dew taste this good.

Unknown said...

Excellent. Though I may not fully agree with the choices, I know can appreciate, understand, and respect the choices you have made.