Saturday, January 03, 2009

An Acknowledgement Of Void

If you ever checked this blog with even a passing regularity or even just popped in more than once, I am sure that it is apparent to you that the frequency of posting has taken a sharp decline. It is my policy to not apologize for such things, but I thought I would let you know that I know that you know. Plus, I thought I would offer up a one-time explanation for this.

The long and short of it is that I have made a lifestyle resolution (read: not just for the new year) to be extremely good at 1 or 2 things. Unfortunately for this blog, it is not one of them. I will occasionally be remarking on a good movie or book or record that I'm digging, and I will still periodically be posting Mix Tape Ten spots from the folks who have been kind enough to send them to me. I still have a ton to wade through. So for now, that is what it is, and it is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Voids happen all the time... I have not had time recently to check your blog very often, but I have been, stealthily. I am hoping one of the things you are going to focus on is finishing your bachelor's degree... Fill me in when you get a chance. OH and I finally watched Mighty Aphrodite and completely agree with your assessment!! Thanks for the rec. :)

Hope your holidays have been excellent! -- LA